Can You Read Me?Promotional video #1 for self published book. 2D animated in Harmony.
Can You Read Me?Promotional video #2 for self published book. 2D animated in Harmony.
Can You Read Me?Promotional video #3 for self published book. 2D animated in Harmony.
Can You Read Me?Promotional video #4 for self published book. 2D animated in Harmony.
Can You Read Me? 3D Rendered book mockup.
Logo Ident a storytelling commercial sequence that reveals my personal logo. Made in Photoshop, Premiere pro and After Effects.
Table Pour Deux a fictional movie title sequence made with stop motion animation and motion design. Animated in Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Stop motion Hand Gif animated in photoshop.

Square Skatin' an animated storytelling looping gif. Made with stop motion animation on Photoshop.
Trashed a short film on climate change. Edited on Premiere Pro and After Effects.

3D rendered cyber typography. Made in Blender